Listen to My Music: Road Trip Playlist

Turn on your audio to experience our road trip playlist. Our playlist was compiled from the pages of Neil Peart’s book “Traveling Music: Playing Back the Soundtrack to My Life and Times.”  In this 2004 autobiography Neil Peart travels by car to Big Bend National Park. Along the way he reminisces about his early life in Canada, his days living in England and bicycle travels in Africa.  All the while he discusses musical influences and inspirations and talks about the music he is playing on his trip. Our soundtrack is a mockup of the same playlist — with a few exceptions and substitutions. It is our official soundtrack for our own road trips, although admittedly we sometimes just listen to Rush (follow our Rush playlist on Spotify @dianalpratt). We highly recommend Neil Peart’s “Traveling Music” and hope you enjoy our Official Neil Peart Inspired National Park Road Trip Playlist.

A playlist featuring Elliot Goldenthal, Chavela Vargas, Salma Hayek, and others